# See release notes: uncomment these lines in order to force your APK to be generated with 64-bit ARM binaries # (needed when using an IDE such as Adobe Animate that currently only provides armv7 and x86 as the options via the UI) #DefaultArch=armv8 #OverrideArch=armv8 # See release notes and https://github.com/Gamua/Adobe-Runtime-Support/issues/58 #UncompressedExtensions=emd,tfl,tflite,pb # Default is to prefiix the package with 'air.' - to turn this off, uncomment the below line #AddAirToAppID=false # If you need to increase the heap available to Java when packaging an Android app, you can use the below setting # when ADT is run from another tool. (If run from the command line, just add -Xmx=2048m or similar to the command # line within the ADT launch script..) #JavaXmx=2048m # For debugging, set this to 'true' and a file "adt.log" should be generated in your user's home folder #DebugOut=true # To override the creation of an Android APK file, and to instead create an Android App Bundle, the below # flag can be uncommented. Note that the bundle may end up with an "apk" file extension CreateAndroidAppBundle=true # When creating an Android App Bundle, this flag can be used to output the Android Studio project # files in a subfolder of your build directory (rather than using a temporary location that gets # cleaned up on exit). #KeepAndroidStudioOutput=true # For convenience, rather than using "-platformsdk" on the command line, these can be set up here: #AndroidPlatformSDK=path_to_sdk #iOSPlatformSDK=path_to_sdk AndroidPlatformSDK=C:\\Users\\geuge\\AppData\\Local\\Android\\Sdk #C:\\Users\\geuge\\AppData\\Local\\Android\\Sdk THİS MUST BE YOUR USER NAME ON YOUR PC(geuge is my username on my windows pc) #find android sdk correct path where it installing on yor pc. # JAVA_HOME is usually picked up from an environment variable but this can override it: #JAVA_HOME=path_to_JDK_installation JAVA_HOME=C:\\Program Files\\Android\\Android Studio\\jre # NOTE TO WINDOWS USERS: paths should be either in the form "C:\\Users\\etc", with two backslash characters, or using # forwardslash characters instead such as "C:/Users/etc". If a single backslash is used, the config file is ignored.