Adobe Animate ile Android aab güncelleme.
Ağustos 2021’den itibatren Google Play’de bulunan android uygulamaların, apk yerine aab uzantılı olarak güncellenmesi gerekiyor.(*aab=Android App Bundle)

Adobe Animate ile Android aab güncelleme.

Adobe air ile uygulama geliştirenler için Adobe Animate içerisinden, son air HARMAN sdk sını kullanarak bunu sağlamak mümkün.
Aslında henüz Adobe Animate içerisinde android çıktısı aldığımız pencerede aab için bir seçenek gelmedi.Ekim ayından önce gelmesi de beklenmiyor.
Son air sdk sı ile cmd komut istemi üzerinden adt aracı ile uygulamanızı aab olarak paketlemeniz mümkün. Bu konu hakkında ayrıntılı yazılarımı okuyabilirsiniz..

Ancak bir kaç küçük adt.config ayarı ile Adobe Animate ile de aab paketleme yapabilirsiniz…

ADT.config Dosyanızı Düzenleyin:

En son Adobe air HARMAN sdk sını Animate uygulamanıza tanıttıktan sonra, air sdk klasörünün içerisine gidip lib klasörü altındaki adt.config dosyasını notepad ile açın.
Burada birkaç ekleme yapacağız.Öncelikle adt.config içerisinde en son sdk ile ilgili ayarlar kapalı olarak geliyor.Bunları aktif etmemiz gerek.

CreateAndroidAppBundle=true bu komutu gördüğünüz yerdeki # işaretini kaldırın.Sonrasında
AndroidPlatformSDK=path_to_sdk için aynı şekilde başındaki # işaretini kaldırın ve path to sdk yazan kısmı silip buraya Android SDK son sdk sını indirip bilgisayarınızdaki konumunun yolunu ekleyin.(örnek: AndroidPlatformSDK=C:\Users\myname\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk)
Ayrıca JAVA_HOME bölümünün de tikini kaldırmalısınız. ve path olarak o bölüme de:
(JAVA_HOME=C:\Program files\Android\Android Studio\jre ) olarak Android Stuio yolundaki java kalsörünü belirtiyoruz.(Eğer Airsdk adt aracı ile cmd üzerinden aab paketleme yapacaksanız ,JAVA_HOME ve ANDROID_HOME ayarlarını windows un envirement variable ayarlarının içerisine de eklemeyi unutmayın.AIR SDK yolunu da envirement variable içerisinde path bölümüne eklemelisiniz.Windows için arama çubuğuna envirement variables yazarak ilgili ayar penceresini açabilirsiniz… )


Adobe Animate ile compiling penceresinde ilgili düzenlemeleri yapabilirsiniz.Eğer ane dosyalarınız varsa Animate içerisine yine tanımlıyoruz.Compiling işleminiz sırasında armv8-64 bit seçeneğini seçin.Animate son çıktıyı bir apk dosya olarak oluşturuyor.Siz bu dosyanın uzantısını manuel olarak apk dan aab ‘ye çevirmelisiniz.Bir uyarı çıkacak bunu dikkate almayın evet deyin.aab olarak çıktınız hazır.Bu çıktıyı Google Play’e gönderebilirsiniz.

Google Play’de sertifika sorunları çıkabiliyor.Bu konu ile ilgili ayrı bir makale daha yazdım.Eski uygulamalarınızı aab olarak güncellerken sertifika için gerekenler için altta linkini verdiğim yazımı da okuyabilirsiniz:

Adobe Air SDK ‘nın Android App Bundle desteğini kullanırken bazı hatalar alabilirsiniz.Nitekim ben de pek çok hata aldıktan sonra işlemi tamamlayabildim.Bu konuda eğer Adobe air sdk yı ücretli olarak kullanıyorsanız github destek forumundan sdk ekibinden yardım alabiliyorsunuz.
Benim aldığım yardımlar hakkında forumlara yazdığım soruları ve cevaplarını görmek için alttaki linkelere bakabilirsiniz.Benzer sorunlar karşınıza çıkmış olabilir:



39 thoughts on “Adobe Animate ile Android aab güncelleme”

  1. Thanks for this useful and interesting article. I use Adobe Animate and I wanted you to make a better explanation video because every time I make a mistake and the process is not completed successfully. Thank you from my heart

      1. Thank you very much for your beautiful follow-up. I know you are very busy but I am not strong in programming. And you are the only person who made this explanation, but you also follow the response and with all due respect, I respect you. I wish you would record a short video of the method. Because most people don’t reply to messages and you are the only one who replied and also help people. I have educational applications for children and I made a great effort to create them and I want to raise them because there are problems with them. Because of the problem that Google made, I can’t post. I hope you will respectfully explain the video in a simple way. Thank you from the heart

          1. The word “thank you” is too small for you. Thank you from the heart. You are a polite person and love to serve others and give people of your precious time. Thank you very much, and I hope that we can become friends on Facebook or WhatsApp, and if you have a page, I will follow you. Thanks to infinity.
            I hope you put your facebook link to send you a friend request.

          2. can follow my instagram or facebook pages.that’s link buttons on the top of this blogsite

          3. simple question ?
            We need to remove the # sign from OverrideArch=armv8 or not

          4. no in adt.config file OverrideArch=armv8 for only compiling an apk.While compiling aab don’t activate that function.
            stay with #

    1. Sorry for not being able to communicate via whatsapp my friend. I don’t prefer my whatsapp line for communication.
      The reason for the error you get is quite simple. You need to define the full path of the android sdk you downloaded on your computer correctly in the adt.config file. I am giving the link of my own example file as a text file. You can find help in the explanations…

      ADT.config TEXT file link below

      1. No problem, I will contact you here. Thanks for your response again.
        I will look at the file you sent

  2. I found the problem my dear friend and he is there // Twice not once
    But after exporting, another problem appeared to me

          1. Thank you very much for the follow up and the quick response.
            I did all the steps you mentioned in the previous reply, but the error still exists. So I erased Android Studio and downloaded it again and downloaded the packages and things that you specified. I went to this path bulid-tools and also it showed me a folder 31.0.0, knowing that I did not download the package 31 from the beginning. I did not see any of the folders available to you, such as the picture you sent. So I sent a message to my friend and he went to the same path build-tools and he sent me the file 30.0.2 and put it in the folder by itself and I exported and the process worked and I thank you very much for this hard work and this great effort. But why didn’t I see folders like this:
            Knowing that I put this file that my friend sent me from his personal computer
            The method worked, but is this folder enough or is it necessary for all folders?
            Knowing that I downloaded everything you specified in the previous pictures. Why is it showing 31.0.0 and I didn’t download it from the start? A simple question, is this enough for Google to export, or are there other conditions and orders that will be required?
            Does the certificate need to change such an article or not?

          2. I’m glad my advice worked. But I don’t understand why you can’t download all android sdks.
            Sometimes it can download incompletely when the internet is slow. However, SDKs can be downloaded and installed one by one from the android developer website together with the old ones.

            As you mentioned, I have another article for the certificate problem. You may need to renew your certificate while updating your old applications with the aab package. That’s why the article you linked was written. You can understand whether a certificate is required while updating on google play console. I explained the necessary things in that article.

            good luck

  3. Thank you very much for the follow up and the quick response.
    I have several questions and I want your wise opinion on them.
    Is the way we exported the file the best way, or is this the one that you are also explaining?
    – second question ?
    Do I have to download all packages like this picture
    That is, from 26 to 30 or just the number 30.0.2
    Is there a link to download the rest or not if possible?
    Third question
    How do I try the application before uploading it to the store, which is in the form of aab . Do I do the experiment directly from Adobe Animate, or is there a way to decode the aab file into a apk?
    -Is the certificate required to be updated or optional?
    Thx bro

    1. There is no difference between creating aab file from Animate or with the adt tool. You can do it with whatever comes easy.

      Answer to question 2:
      You don’t need to download all android sdk packages. You can use version 30.0.3 and previous versions., which is currently valid for adobe air latest sdk.
      If you want to download and install other versions manually:
      Answer to question 3:
      We cannot install the aab file on the device with Animate. For this, we can install the aab file on the device with java commands via cmd prompt by installing the java bundletool tool.

      but there is no need. Send the output of your aab file as the internal test version by specifying the Google Play Console internal test user. Try the file as a test user. If everything is fine, you can switch from the internal test to the production version.

      Google wants you to encrypt the certificate you sent for your apks during aab migration. For this, you need to re-sign your application’s p12 must switch p12 to jks and then pepk…
      There are explanations in my article on this subject:

      We do this with two tools. First is keystore-explorer and second is android studio. It can be a bit of a mess, but you can get help from the internet. Have a look at stackoverflow…

      thanks for follow.good days my friend…

      1. Sorry for the late reply, but due to circumstances, I could not reply. A word thank you is not enough for this beautiful and humble response, which is a full explanation of every question I asked you. Thank you very much for all the information you provide us. I hope you continue to develop the site, you are better than other people too. I will continue to follow you here on the site and on all social media. nice to know you .
        – Simple question: If I do not change the certificate from p12 to jks, will there be a problem in the future with Google Play or not?
        – We hope that you will miss a discussion forum on the site in order to ask questions and for there to be members to communicate and help each other.
        For example, this library is free and there are many others, but there is no one to explain how to properly install it on the anime. He spoke to several people and they did not help me as they see the message and do not reply and they do not know that this is life fun and help each other and I wish you would help me in putting it so that I can send messages and notifications to users.

        There is another one that does the same job for free as well

        Thank you and have a nice day and I wish I could help you because you always help me

        1. If you didn’t require a request for the certificate while updating your app in google play console, your previous certificate is auto-signed by google play. In this case, p12 jks conversion is not needed.

          I will try to follow the links you provided. Thank you.
          i keep improving my blog site. keep watching,
          I will write up-to-date articles about adobe air as needed

          1. Thank you very much for following
            Wait for the update on the site. I eagerly await your opinion on the sites I sent you, but how will you tell me whether here in the same article?

  4. Thanks for the email to contact
    The application has been approved, my dear friend, and all this is with your efforts. But I was surprised by something that saddened me, which is that my device is old and it is the Android 4.4 system. And when I downloaded the version from Google Play, it refused and told me that it is not compatible, so how can I make the application compatible with all devices from Android 4 to the latest version. Because a large part of the public does not have modern mobile devices. Thanks
    This picture appeared to me when I downloaded from my Android 4 device, while a modern Android is downloading normally

    Thx Bro

  5. how to solve this error?
    Adobe Animate
    Ошибка создания файлов.

    Неизвестная ошибка.
    unexpected failure: Unable to run java: com.adobe.air.ADTException: gradle tool failed: Warning: Mapping new ns
    Warning: Mapping new ns to old ns

    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    * What went wrong:

    Could not determine the dependencies of task ‘:app:bundleReleaseResources’.

    > Installed Build Tools revision 31.0.0 is corrupted. Remove and install again using the SDK Manager.

    * Try:

    Run with –stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with –info or –debug option to get more log output. Run with –scan to get full insights.

    1. my guess is you need to use the correct android sdk version to fix this error.
      Delete all android sdk with 31.0.0. Make sure your android sdk is android sdk specified in adobe air Harman latest sdk. You can update android sdk manually. Download old build-tools versions of android sdk and build tools in android sdk’s location on your computer put it under the folder.
      While defining the java home sdk path in your adt.config file, show the jre file in the android sdk.
      The problem will be solved.

      See the picture in the link for the android sdk used by the adobe air Harman latest sdk…

  6. Merhabalar ben Animate üzerinde oluşturduğum uygulamayı .aab olarak almaya çalışıyorum. Fakat “SDK component at air/android/device/x86/Runtime.apk is out of date” şeklince bir hata alıyorum. Çözmemde bana yardımcı olur musunuz?

    1. Yazımda anlattığım adımları uygulayarak çözebilirsiniz.
      1-Adobe air HARMAN sdk son sürümü indirin.
      2-Air sdk klasör konumnda lib klasörünün altında adt.config dosyası var.oradaki
      bilgileri yazımda belirttiğim gibi düzenleyin.
      3-Bu adt.config içinde Android sdk ve java home bölümlerinde linkleri doğru şekilde belirtin.
      4-Animate ile oluşturma işlemini başlatırken armv8 seçeneğini seçmelisiniz.
      ayrıca indirdiğiniz android sdk ların sürümlerinin adobe air harman sdk son sürümünde belirtilenlerle uyumlu
      olduğundan emin olun.adt.config içindeki Java Home sdk yolunu android sdk nızın bulunduğu konumdaki jre dosyasına göre ayarlayın.
      ayrıntılı bilgi ve açıklamalar için Adobe air Harman support bölümünden github forumunda bilgi alarak ilerleyin.

      1. Değişen hiçbir şey yok. Github’da adt.jar dosyasından bahsetmişsiniz. Onu nereden bulabilirim. Birde ben bu uygulamayı eski bir sürümde oluşturmuştum onun etkisi olabilir mi?

        1. Evet Adobe air sdk nın eski sürümlerinde aab oluşturma özelliği tam çalışmayabilir.Lütfen en son sürümü Adobe Air HARMAN sayfasından indirin.
          Sürüm numaralı sürüm olmalı.

          1. Bütün dediklerinizi yaptım videodakileri bire bir uyguladım, son sürüm olan Adobe Air Harman sürümünü indirdim fakat bir sonuca ulaşamadım.

  7. hola! logre convertir mi app en aab.! seguí con detenimiento tus paso y ya tengo una app en google play, estoy muy agradecido, te mando un gran saludo y gracias por tu gran apoyo amigo!

    1. Make sure you are using the latest air sdk. When creating aab, define the sdk paths of the correct java and android versions in the adt.config file. If you did everything right, make sure the ane you use supports the correct version.

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